Sur-Seal, a leader in the field of engineered sealing solutions, has acquired Kent Manufacturing. Charlotte, North Carolina – (March 2025)...
Mueller Custom Cut, part of Sur-Seal, is heading into 2021 on a high note.
Our company was named one of the metro area’s Top Workplaces in 2020 by the Charlotte Observer.
This is the 4th time Mueller has earned this recognition. We also received awards in 2016, 2017, and 2018.
We believe it’s our core values and fundamentals that make Mueller a great place to work. Here are three reasons our employees remain loyal and our customers keep coming back.
The Mueller team adheres to nine core values and 26 fundamentals when it comes to workplace culture. All together, these principles instill a sense of family, opportunity, and accountability in our operation.
“Help others put family first. You never know when it is your turn.”—Mueller Fundamental.
We want employees at Mueller to make decisions based on what’s best for their families, not the company. Abiding by our core values of teamwork and cooperation, we strive to be dependable, supportive, and available to anyone who needs help.
Our family fundamental took center stage in 2020 with the onset of the pandemic. Suddenly, many of our employees’ children were at home instead of school. They were forced to figure out how to take care of their kids AND keep their jobs.
“We are all working to provide for ourselves and our families, so this is the one thing we all have in common,” said Michael Bryant, Sales Manager.
Thankfully, workers were able to go to management and find ways to alter their schedules so they could look after their children and continue to put food on the table.
Mueller encourages our employees to be supportive of each other through our Helping Hands fund. Workers donate money to the account, then the company matches their contributions. The fund is designed for unexpected expenses. Real-life examples include extra medical bills following a cancer diagnosis and the funeral of a young child.
When an emergency comes up, and there’s not enough money in the Helping Hands fund to cover it, all Mueller has to do is ask our employees if they can help. We are always able to count on them to come through.
“Be the expert at your job. The learning never stops.” — Mueller Fundamental
Mueller seeks to promote from within first. Every position is posted internally before the job opening reaches the masses. The concept relates to another core value: respect. We behave and communicate in ways that show we recognize and appreciate other people’s time, work, effort, and ideas. As long as an employee meets the requirements for the job, they will be considered for the position.
Mueller helps workers become qualified for future promotions through cross-training. Even if an opportunity isn’t available yet, we help employees prepare for the moment when that new door does open. We have customer service representatives who used to be on the production floor, as well as managers who used to work in manufacturing.
Mueller offers tuition reimbursement to our employees to help them earn college degrees. Some workers even get advanced degrees that they can use to make more money and move up the ladder. We encourage our employees to learn as much as they can to achieve their goals. That’s because we know the value of our team. When they succeed, we all succeed.
“If it needs to be addressed, be honest, and address it.”—Mueller Fundamental.
At Mueller, we understand mistakes happen. If one of our employees makes a bad part, it’s okay. We only ask that when an error is made, the worker does whatever it takes to fix the mistake. This idea aligns with our core values of having a passion to do it right or make it right and a can-do attitude.
Mueller employees can learn a lot about our leadership team by witnessing our reactions to mistakes. We don’t expect perfection, but we do believe people should acknowledge their errors and find ways to correct them. We treat our suppliers and customers the same way, whether a shipment of inferior material comes in or an order is submitted at the last minute. There’s always an opportunity to right a wrong.
Everyone at Mueller is expected to live by our core values. From the manufacturing floor to the executive level, we expect certain standards of character and accountability. We use these guidelines not only in the hiring process but also when seeking new customer relationships.
Now you know why Mueller has been recognized as one of the Top Workplaces in the Charlotte area for the 4th time.
By fostering an atmosphere of family, opportunity, and accountability, we’ve created an environment that’s a win-win situation for our employees and our customers.
Sound like a team you’d like to be a part of? Contact us today about your project or business opportunity.