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Why Businesses and Schools Need PPE to Reopen in the COVID-19 Era

Manufacturing Services & Engineering


As schools and businesses work to get their students and employees back inside buildings, there’s growing concern these facilities may have to close again if there are new outbreaks of the coronavirus.

There’s good reason to worry. We’ve already seen it happen.

After one week of classes, the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill shut down and pivoted to online learning because 135 new COVID-19 cases were reported. Many other colleges reported coronavirus cases after reopening, including the University of Notre Dame and the University of Kentucky.

Using personal protective equipment (PPE) like face shields in conjunction with other precautionary measures may increase the likelihood of rebuilding a business after COVID-19. Here is why businesses and schools need PPE to reopen and stay open as we continue to battle the pandemic.

Why Do Businesses and Schools Need PPE?

The CDC guidelines for people to protect themselves and each other from COVID-19 are as follows:

  • Wash hands often
  • Avoid close contact
  • Wear mask around others
  • Cover coughs and sneezes
  • Clean and disinfect
  • Monitor health daily

The CDC has also issued specific guidance for resuming business as well as considerations for schools. Wearing a face covering is mentioned in all of these instances as a key component to prevent illness.

PPE Allows Close Proximity If Needed

Social distancing, which is defined as staying six feet away from someone else, is a method of protecting against the transmission of COVID-19. However, it’s not always possible to implement in situations where people must be close (like a hospital room or an assembly line).

Using PPE like face shields is a way for people to be around each other when social distancing is not possible. The virus is thought to spread through respiratory droplets from an infected person to a healthy person. If you have to work within a small group, face shields can be used to cover your eyes, nose, and mouth.

PPE Lets Activity Commence During a Pandemic

Not all jobs can be done remotely, especially when it comes to manufacturing and production. In the spring, many schools discovered virtual learning was a tough world for students, parents, and teachers to navigate. Though it’s far from getting back to normal, using PPE like face shields allows life to continue in its altered state.

Wearing face shields lets kids see their friends and connect with teachers in person. PPE allows manufacturers to bring employees back to work, make a living wage, and feed their families. Workers can produce essential supplies and goods, and students can have much-needed social interaction when they use PPE.

PPE Is Our Best Option Until There Is a Vaccine or Cure

After months of dealing with a pandemic, there is no vaccine to prevent COVID-19. There is also not a cure. We’ve learned good hygiene, social distancing, and wearing face coverings are our best options to reduce the spread of the coronavirus until the outbreak ends.

Using PPE like face shields allows students and employees to get back to their routines, fulfill their duties and obligations, and have a purpose. Wearing PPE lets kids protect their grandparents from contracting COVID-19 at a family gathering. Having PPE permits people who work in restaurants to be able to do their jobs again.


Why Businesses and Schools Need PPE to Reopen

Now you know the role PPE plays in rebuilding business after COVID-19 and why companies and schools need it to reopen and stay open.

Using PPE like face shields allows students and employees to work closely together and continue to collaborate until a vaccine is approved or a cure is found. PPE is the way to get back to work, stay in school, and achieve some sense of normalcy as we continue to deal with the pandemic.

Sur-Seal’s Focus on Face Shields

At Sur-Seal, we recognized the need for face shield production as soon as the COVID-19 outbreak began. We began making PRO-SHIELD 1 for first responders as well as other groups who wanted to reduce the risk of spreading coronavirus.

If your school or business needs PPE, contact us right away. If you have questions or want to order by phone, please call 513.574.8500

NOTE: The intended use of PRO-SHIELD 1 is to serve as a barrier to help prevent direct external facial contact with aerosols, droplets, and foreign splatters. PRO-SHIELD 1 is not a particulate respirator or breathing filter and should never be used to provide respiratory protection of any kind. PRO-SHIELD 1 has not been reviewed or endorsed by the CDC, FDA, or any other authority.

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